This CREST Award Project Launcher CD has been commissioned by Staffordshire SETPOINT for use by tutors in schools throughout the UK.

CD1 contains 35 full science and technology projects in MS Word document format, a brief description of their subject matter, accompanying

individual criteria documents, guidance documents, links and useful contact details. All information is accessed via the auto-running 'project launcher'.
Click to view larger imageClick to view larger image
The project launcher is fully interactive
and simple to use. It can be viewed
directly from the CD or with the
appropriate files installed directly onto
your hard disk drive.
NOTE: The CREST Award Project Launcher concept and all documents therein remain the sole intellectual property of Staffordshire SETPOINT.
CONTACT: PO Box 333, School of Engineering & Advanced Technology, Staffordshire University, Beaconside, Stafford. ST18 0DF
EMAIL:, TEL: John Hindhaugh on 01785 353348 or FAX 01785 353363